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New Well Meter or Common Point Meter 

All requests for new well interconnections, including common points, will be evaluated for impacts on gas quality, operational integrity, pigging requirements, capacity limitations, operating pressures, odorization, customer service, and other factors.

Application for Interconnection

Download the Application for Interconnection. The application should be completed as fully as possible and returned per instructions. Incomplete applications may result in delays. Submit a sample analysis, if available, with the application.

Coordinate Procurement of a Gas Sample

Both parties coordinate procurement of a gas sample and/or sample analysis of the well(s).

If a representative sample analysis of the gas is not submitted with the application, Atmos Pipeline - Texas's Field Operations personnel will contact the Customer representative to coordinate the taking of a well sample. Samples obtained by Atmos Pipeline - Texas will be analyzed in Atmos Pipeline - Texas' laboratory. Tests for H2S and hydrocarbon dew point may also be performed at the well site during the sampling process. Atmos Pipeline - Texas reserves the right to obtain its own sample from the gas source.

APT Reviews the Request

Atmos Pipeline - Texas reviews the request and proposes the parameters for the establishment of the proposed interconnect measuring station.

Atmos Pipeline - Texas' Pipeline Marketing representative will coordinate the collection of all required information (e.g. gas analysis, gas quality acceptability, capacity study, facility cost estimate). If the gas quality does not satisfy current quality specifications, the situation will be reviewed with the Customer and potential solutions discussed. If the gas quality satisfies current quality specifications, studies will be conducted to determine if sufficient capacity is available on Atmos Pipeline - Texas' system and a Project Manager from engineering will be assigned. Atmos Pipeline - Texas will propose an appropriately sized meter, measuring station equipment and lot size for the interconnect station. A Facility Construction Agreement outlining responsibilities for both parties and the required cost reimbursement will be forwarded to the Customer for execution prior to initiating work on the interconnect station.

Equipment Purchase, Construction & Ownership of Measuring Station

Discuss, with a Atmos Pipeline - Texas representative(s), the options for equipment purchase, construction and ownership of the proposed measuring station prior to Atmos Pipeline - Texas' preparation of a Facilities Construction Agreement ("FCA").

Projects are handled by one of two primary methods for purchase, construction and ownership of measuring stations:

(a.) a turnkey project by Atmos Pipeline - Texas for the tap, connecting pipeline (up to 100 feet) and measuring station and where Atmos Pipeline - Texas owns, operates and maintains all facilities installed by Atmos Pipeline - Texas. Such projects are fully reimbursable and include the sum of Atmos Pipeline - Texas' labor costs, equipment costs and overheads incurred in providing such a measuring station connection, plus contribution-in-aid-of-construction ("CIAC") taxes.


(b.) a project for which the Customer is responsible for providing a site lot for the measuring station and also procures, constructs and installs most of the equipment for the measuring station, all to Atmos Pipeline - Texas's current interconnect specifications. It such cases the ownership of the measuring station usually remains with the Customer, while the downstream pipeline and tap and SCADA is owned by Atmos Pipeline - Texas. In this situation, the Customer would reimburse Atmos Pipeline - Texas for the tap, connecting pipeline, Scada Equipment (and CIAC taxes), inspection by Atmos Pipeline - Texas of work performed by the Customer or Customer's contractor at the Measuring Station, and costs associated with the commissioning of the measuring station.

Variations of these two methods may be discussed. In all cases, Atmos Pipeline - Texas will operate the measuring station, connecting pipeline (downstream of the measuring station) and the tap. The Customer will own, operate and maintain the pipeline upstream of the measuring station.

FCA and Reimbursement Funds

Customer reviews and executes the FCA and remits reimbursement funds to Atmos Pipeline - Texas prior to initiation of any work.

The Customer usually will be sent a draft of the FCA by e-mail to expedite the review process. It is important that the FCA is reviewed carefully to ensure that both parties are in agreement with regard to design, procurement, construction, costs, ownership, operational and maintenance responsibilities.

Upon Atmos' receipt of an executed Facility Construction Agreement from the customer, with a check for the reimbursable portion of the work, Atmos Pipeline - Texas contacts the appropriate Engineering, Right of Way, Field Operations and Construction Departments.

Coordinate Construction Activities

The parties coordinate construction activities between the engineering and operations groups of both companies.

Both the Customer and Atmos Pipeline - Texas will coordinate the receipt of all necessary right of way permits and selection of a mutually agreeable meter and tap locations on Atmos Pipeline - Texas' existing pipeline. Materials are then provided from stock, or ordered, and the tap and/or meter installed in accordance with specifications.

Commission the Measuring Station

Atmos Pipeline - Texas commissions the measuring station.

After completion of construction, Atmos Pipeline - Texas will commission the measuring station. This involves programming the flow measurement devices and calibrating equipment to accurately measure gas. After measuring station commissioning, gas will be scheduled to flow upon receipt of the Customer's nomination and subsequent confirmation for transportation service.

Atmos Energy is engaged in regulated utility operations. Atmos Energy Corporation. All Rights Reserved.